Death on the road In Mirpur azad Kashmir
One question has crossed my mind whilst ive
been on holiday inside Pakistan
Why is there so many traffic
accidents in Mirpur ?
We saw and
heard the death of the british man Qasim razzaq just aged 22 who died in kotli.
What caused his death and how can we prevent these deaths from happening.
This is a now
a regular occurrence and one has to ask How much traffic and road safety
education is going into peoples minds when you’re out and about in such areas.
Do people there have no sense at all in how they conduct themselves on the road weather you are walking or driving
I also
witnessed an accident where a man was just thrown out of the passenger seat
in the car he was in travelling was doing great speed. The passenger door opened and out he went. I didn't know if i should laugh or cry at that happening to him. Then i thought i am in this part of the world so anything is possible.
At first I thought it might
be criminal related but no it was genuinely him just falling out through the passenger door all because he wasn't wearing his seat belt.
The car door was not secure and
had been in a bad way for a long time.
The same question therefore comes to my
mind how much education and learning does it take for people to be just safe
anywhere they go. Something simple as having your seat belt on or just looking both ways several times might just end up saving your own life.
Dash Cams
Also to touch
on another issue is of speeding motorists and people who like to just cut in. These people i really cannot stand yet these are the people who cause a lot of death by dangerous driving.
Ive always wanted to name and shame these drivers but wasn’t able to up until
now since I bought a very powerful dash cam to put and use in my car.
Dash cams are
great for collecting data and using that data as evidence if you need to take
anyone to court.
Dash cams are
simply quite affordable and can range from $40 to $200 for a real expensive yet
advanced one.
You can
purchase them with most online retailers and have it shipped out to you.
Once you have the Dash Cam it is quite easy to fit into your car as most instructions on dash cams are quite straight forward.
Anyway i hope you have enjoyed this post andTo see and understand more of what i mean log into youtube and subscribe to my channel and check out my videos at Mirpuri Journal
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